Skeet General Information

  • MSCI has two regulation skeet fields, both with recently re-done pads and paths.
    Shooting times when the fields will be open for member’s use are: Tuesday from around 4:00PM until closing around 10:00PM, Sundays from 9:00AM until around 3:00PM, or when the last shooters are finished. There is also a group that shoots on Wednesdays in the mornings starting around 9:00AM and ending when they are done shooting, and there are usually shooters using the fields on Saturday mornings.
  • Any member may use the fields during “off” hours, but must first be briefed on opening and closing procedures, for safety reasons. See the Skeet Director or one of the Committee folks for information.
  • We use a “token” system for skeet, and tokens may be purchased from the vending machine in the Skeet House. Each token will give the shooter 27 targets, or 10 extra targets for a squad of 5 shooters.
  • Skeet fields are closed on Wednesday nights for use by our trap shooters, as both fields have trap houses as well as skeet.
  • We have a Summer Skeet League for any member who wishes to participate. The League begins in May and ends after Labor Day, followed by a picnic for league shooters in the Skeet House. Information will be posted in the Skeet House and on our website.
  • MSCI competes in the Golden Triangle Skeet League, which begins in late September and wraps up the following March. This league results in us hosting four shoots per year that will close the fields to general shooting on four Sundays per year, until approximately 3:00PM. Any member is encouraged to shoot for MSCI in this league, which is a handicapped league for shooters of all levels. See website for the GTSL schedule, which is also posted in the Skeet House. MSCI is a perennial winner of the GTSL and welcomes all members to join in the fun. Shooters pay about $12 to shoot two rounds of skeet back-to-back, and get a good lunch. There are 3 home shoots and 3 road shoots in a season, plus some optional post-season shoots.
  • We try to keep our costs for skeet shooting as low as possible by filling the houses and traps ourselves. This results in our price/round being as low as possible, but requires that members help out by filling the machines after shooting. Shooting the machines dry and not refilling them is inconsiderate of others and just not very “sportsman-like”.
  • The Skeet House is available for rental use by members for a nominal fee, on non-shooting days and times. Information is available on the website.
  • When shooting Skeet, you should finish a 5-shooter round in no more than 30 minutes. Tieing up the field for an hour or more on a busy Tuesday or Sunday, while instructing new shooters is inconsiderate and inconveniences everyone else. Think about using the fields on “off hours”, when you will have the field for your exclusive slow-paced use.  Or avoid the busiest times, which are Tuesday from 5:00-8:00PM, and Sunday from 9:00AM to Noon.
  • The club Bar is open on Tuesday starting at 7:00PM, and on Sunday beginning at Noon. Please be reminded that there is no drinking of alcoholic beverages permitted prior to shooting. Violation of this rule is cause for expulsion.

Upcoming Skeet Events at MSC

MSCI’s Skeet League shoots on Tues., while Practice is available on Sat. and Sun. early in the day. Both Winter and Summer Leagues are followed by banquets.

Tuesdays from 5:00 PM to 9:00PM
Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM*
Sundays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
*Saturday shooting is restricted if outdoor picnic.

Tokens are $4.00 per 25 birds

Rental must be approved by a letter to the Board of Directors, including the rental fee of $150.00 per day. Clean-up fee is an additional $100.00. total deposit – $250.00. Please send the rental fee and the cleanup fee in two separate checks. Clean-up fee will be refunded if the skeet house is left in a clean and orderly and sanitary condition. No alcoholic beverages are permitted to be taken outside of the club house under any circumstances. All activities are to be held in or adjacent to the skeet house.

MSCI is also a competing member of the Golden Triangle Skeet League. This consists of 5 other Clubs that shoot in a traveling Skeet League.

Skeet Ranges & Leagues Contact:

mail-iconJohn Brickner
[email protected]

How to Open and Close the Skeet Fields

The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling

1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
This is the primary rule of gun safety. A safe direction means that the gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off it would not cause injury or damage.

2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
When holding a gun, rest your finger on the slide or frame of the gun. Until your sights are aligned on the target.

3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
Whenever you pick up a gun, immediately engage the safety device if possible, and, if the gun has a magazine, remove it before opening the action and looking into the chamber(s) which should be clear of ammunition. If you do not know how to open the action or inspect the chamber(s), leave the gun alone and get help from someone who does.

Using the Skeet Fields during off-hours

Besides regular shooting hours on Tues. evening, Weds. morning and Sunday afternoon, members may use the fields in daylight hours whenever they care to.

All that is required is that the member is briefed on the proper and safe operation of the skeet traps. If you want to shoot off-hours, see one of the Skeet Committee during regular shooting hours and learn how to open and close the fields.

For questions contact Lou at [email protected]