North Suburban Trap League
Start time 5pm Location Rosedale
Start time 5pm Location Rosedale
The Youth Program at Millvale Sportsmen's Club is announcing Shotgun 101 to begin Thursday, May 9, 6:30 PM. Please bring a shotgun and shells, if you have them, and ear and eye protection. […]
This is a private event. Clubhouse will be in use by the vendor and his guests. Trap fields, pistol range and archery range are closed.
All shooters report to the pistol range NLT 8:30 am to register. Match starts at 9 am.
Course of Fire 200 yds on ShotMarker Electronic Targets Electronic Targets: Tablets will be provided Strongly encouraged to bring own device Shooters must have PROVEN 200 yd zero and have […]
Start time 5pm Location Mars
Monthly Membership Meetings are the last Thursday of every Month from 8-9 p.m.
Registration from 8 am to 2 pm Food and drinks available 30 Targets Kids 12 and under shoot free Questions: contact Jamie at: [email protected]