Trap General Information

The Trap Fields are open on Wednesday and Sunday for league and/or practice. Trap sponsors two leagues per year, summer and winter. Each league is 25 weeks long with 1 “makeup” in-between. The summer league features 25 birds at the 16 yard range and 25 birds at the 22 yard “handy-cap” range. The winter league shoots from the 16 yard range for all 50 birds. Each league has 4 to 5 teams which competes for prizes awarded at the banquet. A doubles field is also available on most Wednesdays. Each league is topped off with a Banquet featuring food, prizes and shooting games throughout the day. On Wednesdays the bar and kitchen are open for an after shoot snack and beverage! Come join the fun!

MSCI competes as a member of the North Suburban Trap League during the summer months. MCSI holds several ATA sponsored events each year. Visit the Club Calendar or the ATA website for shoot dates.

Range Prices and Hours
Wednesday: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm- League and Practice
Sunday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm – Practice

Trap Ranges & Leagues Contact:

mail-iconDennis Rask
[email protected]

LEAGUE FEES: (Wednesdays only)

  • $15.00 Senior League Shooters (50 birds)
  • $8.00 Junior League Shooters (50 birds)
  • $10.00 Senior Practice Shooters (50 birds)
  • $6.00 Junior Practice Shooters (50 birds)
  • $8.00 Senior Doubles (50 birds)
  • $4.00 Junior Doubles (50 birds)

DUES $100.00
A) $5.00 will be deducted from the fees per 50 birds, weekly. No Refunds
B) Must pay for all 25 weeks ($5.00) to attend the banquet.

General, Wednesday Night Rules:

  • Sign up starts at 5:00 pm.
  • Shooting begins about 5:30 pm.
  • Last sign up is at 9:00 pm.
  • Please sign up for ONE SQUAD AT A TIME.
  • Do not sign up anyone who is not in the building or on the
  • No drinking of alcoholic beverages before shooting.
  • Eye & ear protection must be worn at all times when on the field.
  • Trappers are done at 9:00 p.m. Any squads after that time must provide their
    own trapper and help clean up afterwards.
  • No trappers will be provided for doubles shooting

League Rules:

  • Can shoot ahead four (4) weeks only.
  • You must pay the dues in full (see above) and have a minimum of 19 shoots to
    attend the Banquet.
  • You must pay the dues in full (see above) and have a minimum of 22 shoots to
    qualify for League Prizes.
  • All Banquet attendees will qualify for banquet and door prizes.
  • Shooters are responsible for their scores. Scorecards will be provided upon

Upcoming Trap Events at MSC


The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling

1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
This is the primary rule of gun safety. A safe direction means that the gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off it would not cause injury or damage.

2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
When holding a gun, rest your finger on the slide or frame of the gun. Until your sights are aligned on the target.

3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
Whenever you pick up a gun, immediately engage the safety device if possible, and, if the gun has a magazine, remove it before opening the action and looking into the chamber(s) which should be clear of ammunition. If you do not know how to open the action or inspect the chamber(s), leave the gun alone and get help from someone who does.

Loading #1 Trap House – Procedure

Members must follow safety policies at all times. When the #1 trap house needs to be reloaded, shooters on #1 must check with the 5 Stand operator BEFORE walking down range to trap house #1.